Thursday 17 October 2013

Writer's Aid - The new Rat Transformation

I've rewritten the entire Rat Transformation to be FAR more detailed, and I hope, interesting.

It is also far darker and possibly more disturbing.
I am hoping it will set the tone for future transformations, as well as add some 'staying power' for new players so they give the game enough of a chance to reach lower floors.

However I don't want them all to be THIS dark. Ones like the Rag Doll and alike are all fantastic as well. It needs to have that sort of variety.

But the big news here is that I am sharing it as an example.

Click Here to get it. (Warning: Contains Spoilers! I suggest playing the game first.)

It's a good example of how submissions should be formatted, and will hopefully make it easier for content creators to submit their ideas and writings.

Yes I have been in a mood for strange, dark, transformations recently. It's a think that happens.
This is why I need other writers, because if I do it alone the game will only have strange creepy things that scare more players off.
 Fortunately the Slime on Floor 1 is nice and tame.


  1. Hello,

    I was thinking about submitting a TF and a new type of enemy myself but I got a bit confused by the templates I downloaded. Now with this example for the TF it should enable me to actually bake something. Being a big fan of inanimate transformations myself you may expect something along those lines. Right now I have two in mind but for both I think I would need a new enemy (2 enemies, one for each) to inflict it. As those would be inanimate they could be triggered also by traps or potions/poisons.

    It would be nice to have also an example of an enemy file (perhaps for the rat as well) so I can get my bearings from it.

    Keep up the great work :)

    1. I didn't think the enemy would would be necessary but I will see what I can do.

      Some more inanimates would be fantastic.
      Having the minigame for only one transformation right now is a little lame.
