Monday 19 August 2013

New Content Submission layout

I've hopefully made it easier to submit content by having blank forms for the submitters to fill out and send in. If anyone is having issues, leave a comment or send an email explaining them and I will attempt to make them easier.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Inanimate Transformations Accepted

If any writers have a penchant for inanimate transformations, I will be accepting submissions of the sort and creating a new mechanic for them should I receive them.

I plan to share the game on a few websites to drum up interest to hopefully get new submissions, but first must make a blank submission sheet to assist with adding content. Will do this as soon as I have time.

Friday 2 August 2013


 Check the download page for patch notes.

 As usual, I probably added and changed more than I remembered to type.