Saturday, 20 July 2013

Plan is a go!

 The previously posted plan is now on my "To Do" list!
The votes were almost entirely for "Yes!". The only bad part is that it was a very small number of total votes. Guess not many of your read this, eh? All well, I'll keep trying maybe I'll hit something good and get a big fan base later.

 I have a ton of other neat things planned as well so the next update will be a long time away, but will be worth the wait I hope.


  1. I think the biggest thing here is that right now you have the start of the fan base, and it will grow. The idea is sound, and those who have votes (who are your fans) are really interested.

    Remember, building a fan base takes time, and usually it comes by pleasing those people who are your fans already, and want to see you grow.

    The fans win because you are building something they like, but at the same time you are winning because it will draw more people into your fan base.

    Just sharing a thought :D

  2. I downloaded your game from the TFgames website, and I have to say you've got a great start here! so far I'm really liking it!

    One thing you might do to help direct players to your site is to add a link on the games' main window, or an "about" button showing the version and link. That way no matter where they download the game from they'll be led to its' creator!

  3. Something's wrong.
    I get the concept of the battle system. My issue is, I don't have quick enough reflexes to do it right. I "died" on the first enemy because every time I'd get the rat's health down low enough, I'd fail first and then I'd go to half health and the rat full. At that point it becomes completely impossible for me to succeed because I can't react quick enough to stop the damage entirely, and often not quick enough to get a hit in either. So I end up just getting whittled down again and again.
    So after my first failure I start up again and reattempt. I was able to win my first fight by a hair, having 7 health at the end. The second fight I failed horribly and went into the downward spiral of mutation. One thing I noticed is the red blocking symbol fades in, giving my peripheral vision time to catch it and hit it as it comes in properly. With the blue attack things BAM it's suddenly there and I have to process which direction is open. By the time I do, it's too late and I get a "Miss".
    I don't know what you need to do for me. Maybe make a "casual" mode where you are given more time? For people who suck like me, apparently?

    1. I'd suggest either lowering the combat difficulty or using Duelist Mode. Duelist Mode is generally easier.

    2. Somehow I missed the difficulty setting thing :/
      How does duelist work?
