Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Extra Words

I'm shocked by the number of page views still popping up on Blogger!

Halls of Degeneration was defiantly a fun project.
I've been tempted to resume work on it, but every time I open up the messy code and remember how tedious it was to add more text,  any inspiration flows away from me.

 Sadly, I will not be releasing the source code for two key reasons:
1) I am very embarrassed by the messiness, and it's nearly undecipherable to anyone but me. There are values and strings hidden in all sorts of places. It isn't noticeable when you're playing, but I'm somewhat of a masochist I guess.
2) It was made with MMF2 Developer, so to edit it you'd not only need that $300 program, you'd also need the exact same extensions I used. Many of which I wouldn't be able to find again myself.

 But I'm not done making games. I've been tinkering and toying with things, and even harassing a few artists.
 I'd like to do something more graphical, to take advantage of the engine.

 I was thinking of something with a fairly large character graphic so the transformation could be drawn in detail. The whole system of having body parts change separately would be scrapped so that transformations could be more varied and more focused.

 But none of the people I contacted were interested, apparently. I imagine it's something many people get asked, and I just seemed like some crazy person.
 Maybe one will say yes and maybe something amazing will happen, but it has't yet.

 Thanks to everyone still reading this blog (for whatever reason)!


  1. Still watching because you're cool, and you have some great ideas of course! ;D
    It's a shame that the such a game as you have the idea for couldn't be made in a sort of modular fashion, so that the text portion and mechanics couldn't be roughed out into playable form, and the imagery dropped in later.

    1. I made some attempts to do that, but they all failed.

      The requirement of graphics for each creature knocks the difficulty of adding them up significantly as well.

    2. Well, you could always poke around on FA, and when you see something you like ask the artist for permission to use it, with appropriate credit given. I'm sure many of them would like to have the added exposure.
