Saturday, 16 November 2013

The Crash

I've had a few reports of the game crashing after 4 or 5 floors.

Unfortunately I have had zero luck isolating the issue.
If anyone gets the crash I'd love all the info you can possibly offer so that I can establish a pattern and find out what the issue is.

 Sadly, I have not gotten the crash at all on my own machine, so it does not happen to everyone it seems. (or every time)


  1. my only theory, after trying several different things in the game, is that the game crashes because it's trying to keep track of too many things at once. The amount of and varied number of enemies is what's causing the game to crash because the system is doing too much on lesser computers (to yours, at least). I can only suggest trying to streamline the coding (something I have no idea how difficult/impossible/time consuming it might be) or to reduce the amount of processing power required by the game, maybe by reducing the shaking, or the cloak movement, or the flying numbers in combat, etc.... I hope you can figure out how to solve the crashing problem.

  2. I would append to PensRule's theory with the additional point of large stacks of items in the inventory causing the system to slow down and do too much. I have similar ideas for solutions as Pens, so nothing new here.
