Thursday, 26 September 2013

Gone dark.

 I don't know what to add, I havn't gotten any submissions, and I havn't managed to do any writing myself.

 Game is totally stalled right now, no updates in the works.

 Ho hum.


  1. What did you need submissions for? Any particular types of transformations, new enemies or traps? Last I saw was a comment that if we had Inanimate Transformation ideas to submit them, but there's only so many options there that aren't instant "Bad End" territory.

    Are you looking for ideas for new enemies to do transformations?

    1. Any transformations from poisons, traps, or creatures. Anything.

      Inanimate Transformations will have their own minigame to escape them, so it does not matter if they are the sort that wouldn't work as anything but an end.

  2. Why not... I don't know- a monkey tf? Caused by a banana or something?

  3. I love the game so far, its got a good balince so far. Mabe add pregnancy risks in the game , the more babies you have of one type the more of them you run into. an how this woud play out in game say you attcke a moushroom girl an WIN's the player coud chuse to get fucked :P pregnant or get transfromed a little more ?
