Thursday, 6 June 2013

Random Tilesets and 1st Person Textures

 Been working on making the walls look better, as well as a random tileset for each floor to spice things up  atiny bit.

Going well I'd say.

I'm hoping to add more transformations too, but I have had zero submissions so far.
Don't be shy to submit something! I'd love to get a bunch of bad submissions so I at least know some people took an interest in the game.


  1. i would love to submit something but im no writer

  2. Heya -- I've been following the game since it got dropped in that ongoing thread on /d/. I'm the noisy commentator, who stacked power and wasn't enjoying the transformations (so far).

    I hope I didn't come across as too critical over in that thread, because I'm very intrigued by what you're putting together, and there's a lot of quality cleverness in there even in the early version I played -- I'm very interested to see the changes in the next version.

    That said, I'm a game designer; I write, and I do 2D art and animation. I could be motivated to collaborate on the project, but I was wondering if you could sort of state your intent? Obviously we're still looking at early prototypes, but do you have a design vision for what a v1.0 of the complete game would look like? (And, obviously, would you mind sharing it with us?) I kinda want to get a feel for the project's trajectory before I start committing to it. :)
