Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Meet Milryth!

I've been wanting to add a shop keeper to the game for quite a bit of time now, and with the addition of junk equipment I feel the need for one is higher than ever.
 I've got alot of work ahead of me to make her actually functional, but I managed to doodle something up that I quite like! May I preset you, Milryth:

"You buying something, or what?"
Occasionally I can draw something half decent looking, and this is one of those times. I'll be working hard making her functional for the next few days. So much for that! I finished up her functionality in only a few hours. Worked far better than expected. She'll be making an appearance in the next version!
 While I am proud of how my drawing turned out I will, of course, accept superior drawings from superior artists if they want to offer anything.

 This also sets up a Goblin transformation quite well, if anyone wanted to write and submit one.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Update Posted!

Check out the Download page for full update notes (or, all the ones I remember)

I'll be around all day to check for feedback and bug reports. Enjoy!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

New version Monday!

Due to a kind contributor I got another transformation in, so am now comfortable releasing a new version.

Sadly this will be the only additional transformation in the game, but in terms of game mechanics this update is massive.
 Hopefully all the new stuff will add many new dimensions to the game play, and inspire people to send in content! Even if not, I'm not done with the game.

 I won't say what the next version has in it, but I will say there is another trigger that transformations can use. There won't be any transformations that use it right away, but it's another option.

 Any content submitted before Monday will be added to the game (assuming of course, it meets the standards) before release.

 Also, if a major bug is discovered before then the update may be delayed.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Random Tilesets and 1st Person Textures

 Been working on making the walls look better, as well as a random tileset for each floor to spice things up  atiny bit.

Going well I'd say.

I'm hoping to add more transformations too, but I have had zero submissions so far.
Don't be shy to submit something! I'd love to get a bunch of bad submissions so I at least know some people took an interest in the game.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


 Just getting set up around here.

 Download and Information links are at the top. I HIGHLY recommend reading the Information before you play the game, because the combat system might not be obvious enough when you first do it.

 Right now the game needs content more than anything else. If you're a writer and enjoyed the game, I implore you to check the 'Contributing' tab at the top of the page for info on how you can add your own content to the game.

 For the time being I am working on making this page look presentable.

Have fun!

PS: Name is NOT final. It's the best I could come up with but awesome suggestions will be considered.